Vital Insight Into Management Training Success

Expert Tips For Building A Strong Leadership Development Strategy

5 Ways Effective Management Training Boosts Workplace Productivity

What are you currently doing to improve workplace productivityThis is a common goal for most companies, yet many don’t know how to attain it. You may be able to identify inefficiencies in daily operations, but perhaps you’re not sure what to do about them or how to prevent future challenges.

If you don’t know how to address these issues or where to start, look to management training first, as this is an effective way to boost workplace productivity.

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Establish These 3 Professional Development Goals For Your Team ASAP

Setting professional development goals for your team is an effective way to motivate performance. While there are a number of goals that impact the way your leaders manage their employees, it’s imperative to look at how your teams are operating, too.

Whether you’re developing quarterly objectives for your team or setting broad goals for your company, take time to think about what goals you want to establish and how to do so properly.

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Is Your Leadership Training Delivery Method Flawed?

When companies are on the hunt for management training courses for their employees, they tend to consider factors like price and choice of material. Often, they fail to put the appropriate thought into the selection of a delivery method.

The fact is every company is different, so various types of delivery methodsare right for various types of workforces. If one of your goals is to improve the effectiveness of your management training program, you must take how your employees learn best into consideration – and that means examining the program’s delivery method. Start by identifying possible flaws that exist in how your employees are currently learning.

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Commitment-Based Training: Why It’s Essential For Your Team

How does your company view management training? Are you using it as a compelling professional development tool, or are you just checking off training boxes to remain compliant?

Many companies are just scraping by, completing the bare minimum when it comes to training – and nothing more. But, the most successful management programs are ones that companies are dedicated to over the long term. It’s about more than compliance. It’s about commitment.

The right investment in management training goes beyond purchasing a course and providing it to your employees. You need to integrate training and self-improvement into your company culture.

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The Ideal Salesperson: Hiring Winning Talent For Your Team

Imagine your ideal salesperson: They always close deals. They’re optimistic in the face of challenges. Your customers love interacting with them.

Finding a team of ideal salespeople could greatly impact your company’s success. So, before you begin the hiring process, keep that ideal salesperson in mind. It’s important to determine the characteristics that make a candidate a compelling salesperson.

When you come to each interview already knowing what you’re looking for, hiring winning talent is an easier endeavor. And, sure, there may not actually be the perfect salesperson, but there are a few essential sales skills that all ideal hires possess.

Let’s uncover which characteristics you should look for in order to hire winning talent for your sales team.

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The Real ROI On Professional Development For Your Team

Every business’s main goal is profitability. So, when you hear professionaldevelopment programbenefitslike “team morale” and “employee loyalty,” you might write them off as “nice-to-haves” that aren’t really essential to your company’s bottom line.

But, you’d be wrong.

The right professionaldevelopment program returns much more than an intangible ideal: It reaps real monetary advantages for your organization.

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Essential Selling Skills Part III: Major Sales Call “Don’ts”

One of the key components of being an effective sales representative – one who creates business and generates revenue for your company – is mastering the incoming sales call. After all, the sales call sets the tone for your company’s entire relationship with a customer.

So, do your people have this skill, or are they in serious need of sales performance training?

In evaluating your current sales team, you may find that some team members are comfortable on the phone and connect with customers easily, while others are stumbling through sales calls and having difficulty closing deals. Regardless, even the most experienced sales representatives make mistakes that could cost your company a new account.

Review the following list of sales call “don’ts” to help your team avoid these major blunders and master the incoming sales call.

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Essential Selling Skills Part II: Making Recommendations

There’s a difference between making a sale and building a relationship with a customer. Trained sales representatives shouldn’t always be thinking about closing the deal quickly. They should be thinking about how to use customer-oriented selling to create connections with their prospects.

So, how do you take your sales strategy from hollow to impactful? Focus on your sales team’s ability to make helpful recommendations. If they acquire the skills to do this correctly, they’ll be better equipped to build trust and forge lasting relationships.

Explore these four steps to developing customer-oriented sales recommendations.

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Essential Selling Skills Part I: Customer-Oriented Selling

In business, it’s usually more valuable to develop a long-term customer relationship than to make a one-time sale. But, if your team is too focused on closing the deal and pushing products, they’re going to have difficulty developing that all-important relationship with your customers.

A customer-oriented sales approach is the key to increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty and business. Instead of forcing your products and services on prospects, your reps should be thinking about identifying customer needs and working to solve those problems.

Consider the following ways to improve your sales team’s success through customer-oriented selling.

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Are Poor Customer Service Skills Driving Business Away?

When a company seeks to grow its current client base or increase profits, the first impulse is often to invest in pricey marketing efforts or bulk up the sales team. But, in reality, these may not be the solution.

In many cases, it’s more effective to turn your focus inward and examine the customer service skills of your employees. Here are a few statistics that illustrate this point and put the value of customer service into perspective:

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